I've been in Madrid for a few days now... it's time to play ME GUSTA / NO ME GUSTA, the exciting game where I pass judgment on things that I have seen here so far!
ME GUSTA living with a host family. I think that Pilar and I are getting along very well -- nice sobremesas after dinner, and some quality time just watching TV or reading. I think that my Spanish is getting better from living here and trying to express thoughts that occur outside a Spanish classroom. I am a little bummed that my American friends don't speak Spanish outside the classroom really, but once school starts we will be getting a lot more of that classroom time.
NO ME GUSTA how hot it is here. I'm living in a 9th floor apartment so while we sometimes get a cross-breeze, more often than not it's just hotter than blazes with a wicked sun. I think all the squinting and sunshine -- things I was NOT accustomed to this summer in Syracuse -- are tiring me out, causing me to need to take a siesta late each afternoon. (Hey, nothing wrong with that, right? Adopting the culture.) Only problem is I wake up from said siesta drenched in sweat... for the heat. I guess it's unusually hot for this time of year (90+ºF every day) and it seems to be all anyone can talk about, but still, being here has made me appreciate my Syracuse summers a little bit.
ME GUSTA the food. I have grown to appreciate red wine much more since I've been here, and I love me some tinto de verano, served ice cold. I've had the old standbys: tapas like patatas bravas and calamaris, paella, tortilla española, and copious amounts of olive oil... but I've enjoyed all types of things here, including some great sandwiches, Italian food, and sushi. I guess being in a big city is conducive to finding new, delicious food choices, and I am loving it.
NO ME GUSTA paying for lunch every day. It IS better than having to pay for all my meals. But expensiveish cafeterias/restaurants coupled with a bad exchange rate = DEATH. I need to find a reliably cheap bocadillo place near Syracuse's campus where I can grab a sandwich for 2-3€ because while I like eating well and there are tons of great food options in Madrid, I cannot afford to be spending 9-12€ every day for lunch.
ME GUSTA the fact that my new cell phone has games. What ever happened to that sterling ideal of American culture, that cell phones should have simple games to keep you occupied sitting on a train or in a boring class? Being able to play Minesweeper -- check that, "Buscaminas" -- on my phone is awesome. Snake is no slouch, either.
NO ME GUSTA the cost of my prepaid, Poser Mobile plan or the fact that this phone doesn't have a camera. TwitPic is officially on hold until my return to the States. (However, I can RECEIVE calls for free, so feel free to give me a call if you've got an extra $20 laying around... or a calling card.)
ME GUSTA the people here. There's always this reputation in the States that Europeans are snobby elitists and so far in Spain that has simply not been true. Any Spaniard I have talked to has been very nice, helpful, and friendly. (Except certain clerks, naturally.) Last night, on the taxi ride home, my driver noticed by my accent that I was American and started speaking to me in English... but my Spanish was definitely better than his English so we switched over. We had an interesting conversation that was partly in both languages, where he'd ask me a question in Spanish, I'd answer, and then he'd ask me how to ask that in English and repeat with sometimes hilarious results. Also had a nice chat about American and Spanish politics with Alberto and two Catalans late one night in Girona. It's been fun getting to know locals and I hope I can do more of that.
NO ME GUSTA some of the fashion choices here. It's true: Madrid can be a very fashion-conscious, posh city, and a lot of people look pretty good -- I need to step my game up. However, for a lot of people here, looking good means a faux-hawk/mullet combination with a popped collar and man purse (or, "murse"). Before I left, I seriously contemplated starting a blog called "Nice Capris, Dude" -- cast from the same mold as "Straight Cash Homey" -- where people would be encouraged to send in pictures they've snapped of, well, dudes wearing capris. I'm glad I didn't start the blog, because living in Madrid, it's a little too easy. Capris on dudes are everywhere. Now... jorts I can deal with. I won't wear them, but I can deal with them. Japris, though? Oh God. I'm not a fashion snob and I dress like a bum 3/4 of the time, but that won't get a "smart look," even from me.
ME GUSTA the public transit! The Metro is awesome: clean and easy to use. (This was one of the things I was looking forward to, being in a big city.)
NO ME GUSTA the cost of taxis. Blah.
As usually happens with these things, the idea has run out of gas. So, until next time, thanks for playing ME GUSTA / NO ME GUSTA!
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