Hola todos -- for those who don't know, I am spending the upcoming academic term living in Madrid, Spain. I'm a Spanish major, and I have never lived outside the country, so I am pretty stoked about the whole thing. I know, though: You're scared. What will happen to your favorite infrequently updated blog? Never fear, for it's retooling and will come back stronger than you could have ever imagined.
My flight for Spain leaves Friday at 18:00 ET, so after that time my phone will be turned off and I will be unreachable except via Skype or email, or this blog. However, I'll be checking in here from time to time to blog about what's been happening overseas and what I've been up to. Hopefully this will be about once a week -- it will likely be less, but it won't be never. This will be an easy for anyone who cares to keep up with my wild time abroad. Additionally, I have set up an account at Picasa, where I will post photos I have taken in Spain and anywhere else I might travel. (Don't fret about the sketchy-looking TinyURL link to my Picasa account; it really goes there. I'm just doing that to protect my own flimsy anonymity.) So feel free to keep up with me here for all the rundowns of what I'm doing and photos to go along with it -- I'll post something here when I've posted photos, too.
In the meantime, I will be scrambling to pack and make sure I have everything together before I go. It seems extremely daunting, packing for a four-month vacation, but I am sure by Friday morning I will be ready to go. My group is flying into Barcelona, and we're taking a two-credit "class" whose curriculum includes a twelve-day jaunt through Barcelona, Valencia, and Mallorca. Once I get over there, we'll see how far my eight years of Spanish study have really brought me. Wish me buena suerte and keep checking here for updates!
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