Well, my writing challenge failed. Mostly because when I get home from going out I never feel like writing, and I kind of go out a lot. I saw a term today that I liked: "adultolescence." I'd probably heard it before but I saw it in the description of one of Harto's YouTube videos and it made me laugh and think of myself. This girl's video's are a little hit or miss but I like My Drunk Kitchen, partly because it's funny, partly because I just completely am on board with the concept and think this girl and I would be good friends, and partly because it makes me wonder what my old public access show could have been had we discovered alcohol at the time.
Sometimes I think the adults and some of the not-adults in my life - and let's face it, I am more or less an adult - are starting to give me this reputation as some kind of fierce drinker. Which, really, is not true. I've had a handful of rough nights since my return to Syracuse some months ago, but those have led me to quit hard liquor almost completely. Since then, I haven't gotten terribly drunk, I've had less to drink, and I've enjoyed myself more. Just because I go out a lot doesn't mean I am vagrant-level drunk all the time.
I just had my headphones on the wrong ear and it's AMAZING how much it bothered me. I noticed something was off almost immediately and I feared they were broken before I checked to make sure I had R and L on R and L, respectively. Even hearing a song for the first time, I could tell something was off. I guess we're just very conditioned to hear the majority of sound mixed to the left ear. Having that switched was really disorienting.
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