- The Sneaky Drinking Headquarters
This is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Forget the pregnant look of the wearable "beer gut" -- this is about as inconsp
icuous as 20 shots gets. (Although filling that thing with nacho cheese would be kinda cool.) Check out the other crap on that site, too... The Wine Rack, the fill-able bra, serves a dual purpose for sex for women (get you drunk, make you more attractive HEY OH) and is perhaps the most deftly named product, uh, ever.
h/t: EDSBS

h/t: EDSBS - NBC3 in Syracuse's Promotions Page
To quote the great Pappy Chalmers, "YOU'RE GETTIN' A LEATHER RECLINER!!!" Vaguely reminiscent of the Dunk and Bright "Action in the Lane" promotion at SU hoops games. Hm. - The Wrestling Believer
h/t: Danny Macintosh - Woody Allen On Life, Films And 'Whatever Works' (NPR)
Woody Allen's got a new film coming out, starring Larry David as a professor who marries someone 40 years his junior... and yet he still manages to make a pretty convincing case that it's not autobiographical. Picturing Woody Allen in a white t-shirt, cracking open an ice-cold Pabst and watching a baseball game, makes me giggle.
And finally... - Ohio State Fan Dots The "I" In Iranian Revolution (Deadspin)

Quoting Deadspin...
You've got to be kidding me. A young gentleman in Buckeye attire is now the poster child for freedom in Iran. Let's just hope the Revolutionary Guard doesn't recruit in Florida.
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